Awards & Recognitions

Every projects need well planned and tailored to meet requirements specified by the clients; this allows better execution and improved efficiency thus translating them into higher return on investments for our clients.

STPI Export Awards 2018-2019

Polosoft Technologies has been awarded as the best “Non-STP Exporting Units” at STPIINDIA 2018-19 in Odisha. Our CEO and Founder Mr. Lalit Tyagi was personally present at the event to receive the award. Polosoft extends its sincere gratitude towards @STPIINDIA organization for the recognition, and thank the entire team of Polosoft for being the company’s strength. We would also like to thank our clients for helping us grow and enhance our skills.


"A universal trust over Polosoft across the globe, that our people care deeply about what we do and the impact we put on our clients and communities is believed in the best."

Mr Lalit Tyagi CEO, Founder Polosoft Technologies

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