Our business provides top-notch LiDAR data processing and mapping services to meet the needs of numerous sectors due to the rising need for precise and high-resolution mapping data.
Accurate and low-cost measurements of terrain, sophisticated categorization, vegetation heights, DTM, and DSM, as well as buildings, are made possible by airborne LiDAR technology.
When analyzing LiDAR data for the purpose of identifying terrain, bare earth extraction is crucial. In accordance with the needs of the client, we offer extremely accurate data.
In order to achieve the maximum overall classification accuracy, we divide the multi-spectral LiDAR intensity data into four classes: structures (including buildings and trees), roads, bridges, and grass.
For more interesting results than just simple coloring, image overlay, and point cloud colorization can be utilized. With our image overlay and point cloud colorization techniques, we transform your terrain.
Powerline corridor mapping is highly used in the government projects and provides solution for electricity industry both for classification of transmission and distribution of power line vectorization.
Development demands customization. 3D city models are being predominantly used in the industry for visualization. Polosoft keeps itself updated with latest industry standards and provide 3D city and building modeling.
The most precise and trustworthy representation of topography mapping is provided by LiDAR data. Breaklines regulate the smoothness and continuity of surface behavior.
Polosoft has successfully completed projects requiring orthophoto production and color balancing thanks to its track record of accomplishment in this area using the new tools and technology with precision and accuracy in all of our deliveries.`
Research in feature extraction has intensified. In 3D vectorization, certain geometries, such as lines, curves, and polygons, are converted from point clouds, raster data, or other formats into vector data types.
To increase high levels of productivity, Polosoft Technologies provides Point Cloud Classification services for various industries.
Being a well-known LiDAR company,
Polosoft Technology has a significant role in LiDAR
classification. We offer customers all over the world specialized, professional
LiDAR services.
The list of services we offer includes aerial, mobile, and drone LiDAR, and it keeps growing as
more industries, like forestry, transportation, flood mapping, and the environment, join our
roster of clients.
Our professional teams are capable to understand the requirements and process for new projects quickly. We ensure project deliver in time and faster with our stringent quality checking process. Get in touch with us via email.
What is data processing?
Data processing is simply considered the manipulation of data using a computer. It may include conversion of acquired raw data to machine-readable form, flow of data through the CPU and memory to output devices, and formatting or transformation of output.
What is LiDAR data processing?
LiDAR is a technology which will embark nations on the journey to the future. It enables data capture on the field by lighting the target using a pulsed laser. As it’s also used for providing precise and perfect elevation data, it finds several applications across industries.
How is LiDAR used to retrieve data?
LiDAR data acquired from airborne sensors from satellites or drones or more are available through The National Map Download Client. These data have completely discrete-return, classified point-cloud data provided in LAS format for users.
How is the LiDAR data processing used?
LiDAR data processing helps in examining both natural and manmade environments. Activities such as inundation and storm surge modeling, hydrodynamic modeling, shoreline mapping, emergency response, hydrographic surveying, and coastal vulnerability analysis are way easier with LiDAR data processing.
What are the ways to process LiDAR data?
Translation between other data formats Combining point clouds with other formats Inspection of point components and values Tipng the data to speed up processing time Reducing the number of points
Why do companies require LiDAR data processing services?
Data collection is quick with very immensely high accuracy. The surface data tends to have a higher sample density which improves the results for a couple of applications such as floodplain delineation and other disaster management. Collection of elevation data in a dense forest, where GIS photogrammetry may fail to reveal the data for terrain surface with accuracy due to dense canopy cover. LiDAR does need any geometric distortions like a side-looking radar and can be easily integrated with other data sources.
What are the future prospects for LiDAR data processing?
LiDAR data processing has a promising future, thanks to technological developments and rising consumer demand for precise, high-resolution data. Other technologies like drones and autonomous vehicles are two new developments in the processing of LiDAR data.
What are the steps involved in data processing?
Data preprocessing, data filtering, data categorization, feature extraction, and quality control are among the phases in the processing of LiDAR data.
What is data preprocessing in LiDAR services?
Data preprocessing involves the initial processing of raw LiDAR data, including data calibration, normalization, and georeferencing.
What is data classification in LiDAR services?
Data classification is the process of assigning different types of objects, such as ground, vegetation, buildings, and water, to the points in the LiDAR dataset.
What is feature extraction in LiDAR data processing?
Feature extraction is the process of extracting specific features of interest from the LiDAR dataset, such as buildings, trees, and power lines.